At Mohammadia Center of Virginia, we’re committed to making a lasting impact in our community. To continue our services and growth, we need your support to acquire the Recurring Donations System.

Why This Technology Matters:

  • Consistent Support: Recurring donations ensure steady funding, allowing us to plan and execute our projects more effectively.
  • Greater Impact: Donors who give regularly, contribute 30% more each year, significantly boosting our capacity to serve.
  • Efficient Giving: This add-on will streamline the donation process, making it easier for our supporters to contribute on a regular basis.

Your Contribution:

We are raising $495 to cover the cost of the Recurring Donations system. This cost will cover the subscription for the next 5 years. Your donation will directly enhance our ability to manage and grow our donation base, ensuring that our community center can continue to thrive and expand its services.

We request you to donate and help us take this crucial step toward securing a brighter future for our center.

Together, we can make a difference!